fragmented: my piece: The Science of Numbers
fragmented: dorky me with some robot pieces
fragmented: Tom, with his pieces
fragmented: Brent, being Brent
fragmented: Brent and Julie
fragmented: Julie and I
fragmented: gallery crowd, EUREKA show
fragmented: Kim, with her pieces
fragmented: i. am. such. a. dork.
fragmented: Matt, with his robot
fragmented: Jan, with her pieces
fragmented: Alex being silly!
fragmented: some friends from work
fragmented: the kids corner
fragmented: David, with his piece
fragmented: Kai and Alex
fragmented: Matt and Alex
fragmented: Alex, measuring the robot
fragmented: folks enjoying the show
fragmented: Mirna, talking with a friend
fragmented: admiring Chris's piece
fragmented: enjoying the evening
fragmented: Chris, with his piece
fragmented: Mirna, with her piece
fragmented: Come on in!