fragglerawker_03: splish splash
fragglerawker_03: Clouds along the Causeway
fragglerawker_03: 1 fish 2 fish red fish blue fish
fragglerawker_03: making rainbows
fragglerawker_03: rain splatter
fragglerawker_03: softness along the shoreline...día tresciento cuarenta y tres
fragglerawker_03: scrunchy nose
fragglerawker_03: sharing a moment...día trescientos cuarenta y seis
fragglerawker_03: reflective sunset
fragglerawker_03: conversing birds
fragglerawker_03: Another rainy day
fragglerawker_03: ripple-licious
fragglerawker_03: water colors...giorno sessantasette (day sixty seven)
fragglerawker_03: Suawanee River
fragglerawker_03: turtle in the spring
fragglerawker_03: gone fishing...giorno settantatre (day seventy three)
fragglerawker_03: grazing the water...giorno settantacinque (day seventy five)
fragglerawker_03: under the dock, where its calm
fragglerawker_03: Inside a puddle...giorno cento quattro (one hundred four)
fragglerawker_03: If I jump in, I can claim the island as my own.
fragglerawker_03: what'chya looking at?
fragglerawker_03: sitting on the edge of the can...giorno cento tredici (day one hundred thirteen)
fragglerawker_03: a day at the beach
fragglerawker_03: just keep swimming, its okay here.
fragglerawker_03: circa 2009, really