Fred Paddock: Kennedy and Parker
Fred Paddock: Water and ice
Fred Paddock: southern white
Fred Paddock: southern white BW
Fred Paddock: rino mom and son
Fred Paddock: Left right behind
Fred Paddock: We speak Zebra
Fred Paddock: Kenedy portrait
Fred Paddock: frosty oak leaf
Fred Paddock: frosty leaf on gravel
Fred Paddock: frosty leaf in twigs
Fred Paddock: Pare David Dear
Fred Paddock: Sunflier
Fred Paddock: I'll make a moon out of you
Fred Paddock: Eclipse in Columbus
Fred Paddock: This Morning
Fred Paddock: baby bonobo
Fred Paddock: Hand and foot
Fred Paddock: Bonobo
Fred Paddock: Bonobo and young
Fred Paddock: Kennedy
Fred Paddock: Victrola
Fred Paddock: Falling leaf
Fred Paddock: At Langtree Knightsbridge
Fred Paddock: Leaves in the Grass
Fred Paddock: Fallumination
Fred Paddock: rainbow tree
Fred Paddock: 4 friends
Fred Paddock: Careful now. Whoa. Hey. What's goin' down? Calmate. Quidado. Tranquilo. Estamos Amigos aqui.
Fred Paddock: Gold Finch