fozbaca: 2019-12-23 013
fozbaca: Going Candid, lunchtime reading
fozbaca: Union Terminal inside the dome
fozbaca: Union Station a.k.a. "Hall of Justice"
fozbaca: 2019-06-03 276
fozbaca: Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky from the plane
fozbaca: 2014-08-22 025
fozbaca: 2019-04-07 159
fozbaca: Interior Cincinnati Museum Center/Union Terminal Reopened
fozbaca: 2009-07-16 001
fozbaca: scan0007
fozbaca: 2019-03-09 202 Stitch
fozbaca: 2018-03-10 078
fozbaca: Today’s visit The Hall of Justice!!!
fozbaca: 2019-10-06 196
fozbaca: 2019-04-18 004
fozbaca: Sunset on the Farm
fozbaca: 2019-12-21 067
fozbaca: 2019-06-07 273
fozbaca: 2019-04-04 401
fozbaca: 2019-10-06 201
fozbaca: Inside Gringott’s Bank
fozbaca: Simon now sometimes sits on the couch.
fozbaca: Metropolis Tribune at Universal Studios Florida
fozbaca: 2019-04-13 021
fozbaca: Simon’s TV
fozbaca: Lexington Civic Center and Triangle Park
fozbaca: 2006 Suzuki Boulevard M50, my new bike!!!
fozbaca: Lard Lad Donuts, Springfield
fozbaca: 2019-03-09 220