Foxy Belle: Emma watches over Harriet
Foxy Belle: Visiting Harriet
Foxy Belle: At her bedside
Foxy Belle: Fever
Foxy Belle: Fireplace
Foxy Belle: Dresser
Foxy Belle: Cozy evening
Foxy Belle: Dinner Party
Foxy Belle: By the fire
Foxy Belle: Writing invitations
Foxy Belle: Which bonnet for today?
Foxy Belle: Blue Bonnet
Foxy Belle: Good morning
Foxy Belle: New dress for the new year
Foxy Belle: Dear friend
Foxy Belle: Warm tea
Foxy Belle: Louisa's new dress
Foxy Belle: Heading to Central Park
Foxy Belle: On their way!
Foxy Belle: Superhero refueling
Foxy Belle: Snack time
Foxy Belle: Seed starting in the greenhouse
Foxy Belle: In the greenhouse
Foxy Belle: Greenhouse
Foxy Belle: Charlotte's new dress
Foxy Belle: Charlotte's new dress
Foxy Belle: Thanksgiving meal
Foxy Belle: Dining room
Foxy Belle: Dining room on Thanksgiving