Fox Point Photo History: Johnny Costa, Joseph "Wowie" Monteiro, George Lima
Fox Point Photo History: Joseph "Wowie" Monteiro, Joe "Freestone" Britto
Fox Point Photo History: Mingo Lopes with his son, Steve Britto
Fox Point Photo History: Steve Britto with his father Mingo Lopes.
Fox Point Photo History: Lopes family at the head table.
Fox Point Photo History: Lopes family at the head table.
Fox Point Photo History: Mary Perry, Johnny Costa, Maria Paris.
Fox Point Photo History: Mary Perry and Johnny Costa.
Fox Point Photo History: Johnny Reposa and Joe "Freestone" Britto
Fox Point Photo History: Ray Silva, Peter Nicholas, Johnny Reposa.
Fox Point Photo History: Rose "Bubbles"Valles Daluz, and Judy Valles.
Fox Point Photo History: Rose "Bubbles" Valles Daluz, her sister Julia Valles, and Theresa Lopes.
Fox Point Photo History: Tony Britto (standing left), Michael Araujo (sitting), Benjie Dias (standing right)
Fox Point Photo History: Wowie Monteiro
Fox Point Photo History: Johnny Costa and Alves
Fox Point Photo History: Beatrice Fortes
Fox Point Photo History: Wayne Oliveira, -------, Bobby Britto-Oliveira
Fox Point Photo History: Karen Britto, Johnny Costa, Joseph "Wowie" Monteiro
Fox Point Photo History: Karen Britto, Ray Silva, Joseph "Wowie" Monteiro
Fox Point Photo History: Karen Britto, Joseph "Wowie" Monteiro, Ray Silva
Fox Point Photo History: Carol Tavares Oliveira
Fox Point Photo History: Tony "Junie" Delgado