Fox Point Photo History: Barbara and Shirley Seamans 6 Thayer Street, May 1949. Photo courtesy Lou Costa
Fox Point Photo History: Wedding, Mr & Mrs Edward Costa
Fox Point Photo History: Wedding, Mr & Mrs Edward Costa
Fox Point Photo History: Wickenden Street looking East. Photo Courtesy of Lou Costa.
Fox Point Photo History: Holy Rosary Church 100th Anniversary Program Cover
Fox Point Photo History: Rose Souza Perry, Mary Souza, Angel Souza Perry, Pal Rodrigues, Rose D'Costa Miranda on Brook Street in 1945.
Fox Point Photo History: John Rego, George Caduto, Richard Fernandes, At Holy Rosary Church, circa 1944.
Fox Point Photo History: Mr. & Mrs. George Caduto (Theresa Lima) 25 May 1952
Fox Point Photo History: John Murphy, Ameila Souza, Peter Nichols, Kenny Souza - outside of Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church in Fox Point, Providence, Rhode Island. Photo courtesy Lou Costa
Fox Point Photo History: Alves Family_0026
Fox Point Photo History: Cheryl Fisher and her sister Debbie Fisher. Charlie and Heffie Fisher's daughters.
Fox Point Photo History: Tony Alves - First Communion
Fox Point Photo History: 1937 COMMUNION CLASS HOLY ROSARY CHURCH, June 6, 1937.
Fox Point Photo History: Joseph Escobar, BLUE and WHITE, January 1946. HOPE HIGH SCHOOL
Fox Point Photo History: Nathan Bishop JR. High School, Class of January 1944.
Fox Point Photo History: Our Lady Of The Rosary Church First Communion Class 1937.
Fox Point Photo History: Our Lady Of The Rosary Church, 21 Traverse Street. 24 June 2009.
Fox Point Photo History: Our Lady Of The Rosary Church, 21 Traverse Street. 24 June 2009.
Fox Point Photo History: Friendes of Sylvester "Bet" Btitto.
Fox Point Photo History: Our Lady Of The Rosary Roman Catholic Church.
Fox Point Photo History: Friendes of Sylvester "Bet" Btitto.
Fox Point Photo History: Friendes of Sylvester "Bet" Btitto.
Fox Point Photo History: Friendes of Sylvester "Bet" Btitto.
Fox Point Photo History: Friendes of Sylvester "Bet" Btitto.
Fox Point Photo History: Friendes of Sylvester "Bet" Btitto.
Fox Point Photo History: Friendes of Sylvester "Bet" Btitto. 27 June 2009.
Fox Point Photo History: Friendes of Sylvester "Bet" Britto.
Fox Point Photo History: Friendes of Sylvester "Bet" Btitto.