Fox Point Photo History: The Donut Kettle
Fox Point Photo History: 18 Armstrong Avenue. Photo courtesy Lou Costa.
Fox Point Photo History: 18 Armstrong Avenue 2
Fox Point Photo History: Julia Rosa and Samuel Phillips Marriage Certificate. Photo courtesy Lou Costa.
Fox Point Photo History: Julia Rosa and Samuel Phillips Marriage Certficate 1. Photo courtesy Lou Costa.
Fox Point Photo History: Julia Rosa and Samuel Phillips Marriage Certificate 3
Fox Point Photo History: Samuel Phillips Death Certificate
Fox Point Photo History: Julia Rosa and Samuel Phillips Wedding Photograph
Fox Point Photo History: Manny and Sue Phillips 1
Fox Point Photo History: Manny and Sue Phillips 2
Fox Point Photo History: 59 East Transit Street
Fox Point Photo History: 419 Benefit Street. Photo courtesy Lou Costa.
Fox Point Photo History: 419 Benefit Street Plaque
Fox Point Photo History: Robert and Angela Rose Family - 2007
Fox Point Photo History: Wetzel Family - 2007
Fox Point Photo History: Angela and Bob Rose - 2007
Fox Point Photo History: Bobby and Anne Rose - 2007
Fox Point Photo History: Marianno Rebello Photograph
Fox Point Photo History: 39 Schofield Street. Photo courtesy Lou Costa.
Fox Point Photo History: 166 Tockwotton Street. Photo courtesy Lou Costa.
Fox Point Photo History: 420 Benefit Street, where Jesse Johnson's family used to live.
Fox Point Photo History: Cranes on Sims Avenue
Fox Point Photo History: Providence Steel and Iron Company Sign
Fox Point Photo History: Maria Izabel Rebello Marriage to Manuel Francisco Carreiro. Photo courtesy Lou Costa.
Fox Point Photo History: 178 Warren Avenue
Fox Point Photo History: John E. Rebello Tribute
Fox Point Photo History: John E. Rebello Photograph
Fox Point Photo History: 14 Prospect Street
Fox Point Photo History: 9 Prospect Street