Fox Point Photo History: Top Photo - Isabel Silva, Madeline Bento Fontes (mother of Harold Fontes), Helen and Evelyn Bento (Harold Fontes Aunts) at Burnside Park in September 1936. Bottom Photo - Irving and Harold Fontes
Fox Point Photo History: front row: Harold Fontes, Barbara Fontes, Angie Bento. back row: Fontes,Angie Fontes, Richard Gomes, Monte Blue. middle: Mary Bento. circa 1938 at 10 Wickenden Street.
Fox Point Photo History: John Alves, Mingo "Mo" Alves, Harold Fontes on 87 Pike Street. circa 1936.Photo courtesy Lou Costa
Fox Point Photo History: Barbara Fontes Tavares at Burnside Park on the corner of Wickenden and South Main Street, circa 1944. Photo courtesy Lou Costa
Fox Point Photo History: Harlod Fontes - at Tockwooton Park circa 1938. Photo courtesy Lou Costa