grwhyrpltd: foxglove
grwhyrpltd: homestead with mount si in the background
grwhyrpltd: stone heart on moss
grwhyrpltd: adam the biker
grwhyrpltd: adam the biker
grwhyrpltd: adam the biker
grwhyrpltd: adam the biker
grwhyrpltd: adam the biker
grwhyrpltd: adam the biker
grwhyrpltd: snoqualmie falls hydroelectric project & park
grwhyrpltd: deanna & andrea at snoqualmie falls park
grwhyrpltd: deanna & andrea at snoqualmie falls park
grwhyrpltd: geese in the mist at snoqualmie falls park
grwhyrpltd: the mist at snoqualmie falls park
grwhyrpltd: snoqualmie falls park
grwhyrpltd: bicycle geek