Marvin Fox Photography:
When I'm bigger...
Marvin Fox Photography:
Hop a squat
Marvin Fox Photography:
Almost there!
Marvin Fox Photography:
Follow the leader
Marvin Fox Photography:
Marvin Fox Photography:
Garden games
Marvin Fox Photography:
Pebble fingers
Marvin Fox Photography:
Heaven's Angels
Marvin Fox Photography:
Birthday Girls
Marvin Fox Photography:
Oliver Twist
Marvin Fox Photography:
Happy Summer Days
Marvin Fox Photography:
Harry Potty
Marvin Fox Photography:
Where's Japan?
Marvin Fox Photography:
Smiling eyes
Marvin Fox Photography:
Let's go outdoors!
Marvin Fox Photography:
Marvin Fox Photography:
Big sister love
Marvin Fox Photography:
Girl in the garden
Marvin Fox Photography:
Marvin Fox Photography:
Nice birdie!
Marvin Fox Photography:
Marvin Fox Photography:
Marvin Fox Photography:
Up close with a San-In Shiba
Marvin Fox Photography:
My little artist
Marvin Fox Photography:
iPad love
Marvin Fox Photography:
Last petal
Marvin Fox Photography:
Karaoke Queen
Marvin Fox Photography:
A walk in the park
Marvin Fox Photography:
Making little men
Marvin Fox Photography:
Maru Maru Mori Mori