Four Seasons Garden: Another lorry load of forest bark!
Four Seasons Garden: Compost heaps full by end of autumn
Four Seasons Garden: Compost heap 76 degrees C (168 degrees F) in late autumn!
Four Seasons Garden: Rich dark compost from last autumn's leaves and other garden waste
Four Seasons Garden: A larva of Vine Weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus) found in our compost heap
Four Seasons Garden: The garden engine house is still warm at the start of winter (Compost temperature 36.5C/97F)
Four Seasons Garden: Cooler composting in winter especially relies on our naturally occurring compost worms!
Four Seasons Garden: An afternoon's work - full bags of compost
Four Seasons Garden: An afternoons work digging out this compost enclosure made from old wooden pallets
Four Seasons Garden: Towards the end of the day we were filmed putting up these Christmas house decorations (Day 6 December 7th)
Four Seasons Garden: We were moving a heap of forest bark like this on the final day of BBC filming (December 7th)
Four Seasons Garden: A lorry load of forest bark similar to this arrived on the final day of BBC filming (December 7th)
Four Seasons Garden: Forest bark. December 9
Four Seasons Garden: Our garden extension - spreading the bark begins. December 13
Four Seasons Garden: Nearly two months into the project. October 19
Four Seasons Garden: Our garden extension project. October 14
Four Seasons Garden: Forest bark - in large quantities
Four Seasons Garden: A busy weekend......moving this load of forest bark!
Four Seasons Garden: Relandscaping lower garden March 1995 - we used forest bark as a mulch and for our paths.
Four Seasons Garden: Autumn carpet of Lime tree leaves...about to be moved to the compost heap