Katherine Gruender "Kat": Shafer Canyon, Utah
Katherine Gruender "Kat": Take it...Come on..Just take it already!
Katherine Gruender "Kat": YOU! The lady with the Camera..Hand it over or I'll blast it right out of your hand!
Katherine Gruender "Kat": For Unto Us A Child Is Born..
Katherine Gruender "Kat": Don't let the things of this world replace the true meaning of Christmas
Katherine Gruender "Kat": Up on the Chimney Came Santa Frog?!
Katherine Gruender "Kat": The Real Beauty Of The Candy Cane....
Katherine Gruender "Kat": Happy Thanksgiving all my dear friends...
Katherine Gruender "Kat": Don't worry I haven't gone crazy!!
Katherine Gruender "Kat": What can you really tell from her eyes?
Katherine Gruender "Kat": Tiny Engines that Could!
Katherine Gruender "Kat": A birds life...
Katherine Gruender "Kat": St. Elmo, Colorado
Katherine Gruender "Kat": Twirls and Twiddles in Victor Colorado
Katherine Gruender "Kat": Mt. Garfield in Colorado
Katherine Gruender "Kat": Softly and Tenderly...
Katherine Gruender "Kat": A Star Is Born..
Katherine Gruender "Kat": Just messin' around!
Katherine Gruender "Kat": Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude. ~Ralph Marston
Katherine Gruender "Kat": The smallest seed of faith is better than the largest fruit of happiness. ~Henry David Thoreau
Katherine Gruender "Kat": Flickr Friends....Bonnie and Katherine
Katherine Gruender "Kat": A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. ~Author Unknown
Katherine Gruender "Kat": Matthew 6:25...25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?....
Katherine Gruender "Kat": Spring has a right to vanity!