George Fournaris: P1070384a
George Fournaris: Thission
George Fournaris: The Caryatids
George Fournaris: Odeon of Herodes Atticus
George Fournaris: P1070378a
George Fournaris: Hadrian's Library, Athens
George Fournaris: Attalus Stoa (arcade), Athens
George Fournaris: Peeking at history through the railings
George Fournaris: Temple of Olympian Zeus at night
George Fournaris: Temple of Hephaestus extreme perspective
George Fournaris: Still Standing
George Fournaris: Doorway to the past
George Fournaris: In the Stoa of Attalos, Athens, Greece
George Fournaris: Temple of Hephaestus, Athens, Greece
George Fournaris: Grave markers at Kerameikos
George Fournaris: Grave Stele of Dexileos, 394-393BC