Alice Stribling: This is a wonderful drawing spot!
Alice Stribling: I don't want to make you people jealous, but this is what we had for dessert
Alice Stribling: Still life in the studio
Alice Stribling: salade nicoise
Alice Stribling: I am enjoying the olives
Alice Stribling: drawing in Moux
Alice Stribling: drawing at the table
Alice Stribling: the French whip is very twitchy
Alice Stribling: tarte l'onion
Alice Stribling: pastel at the rice field
Alice Stribling: my setup
Alice Stribling: the road
Alice Stribling: Diane's cigar
Alice Stribling: Annie working
Alice Stribling: Earl and Paula working
Alice Stribling: Janet, Tom and Bonnie working
Alice Stribling: Our instructor
Alice Stribling: It's lovely here
Alice Stribling: I'm from the planet purple
Alice Stribling: Diane has been riding
Alice Stribling: Riding every morning
Alice Stribling: View from the plein trees road in Fontcouvert
Alice Stribling: My setup_1
Alice Stribling: Cool building
Alice Stribling: Diane thinks these look like elephant poop
Alice Stribling: Happy Diane