foureyes: illegal / it's cleaner by the east river
foureyes: greenpoint
foureyes: hot hot hot
foureyes: car crash with dissolved body / where the crows sell metal
foureyes: near the cemetary
foureyes: combined sewage outpour (output?)
foureyes: woof
foureyes: rear
foureyes: near "pumps" / bridge closed
foureyes: making paper
foureyes: yucca plants in the pots suck out the toxins
foureyes: yarn on the ground / don't touch the water
foureyes: mutagenic
foureyes: restaurant depot
foureyes: inverted truss (mostly)
foureyes: smellz
foureyes: another cso
foureyes: steel
foureyes: on the menu
foureyes: barbz