fourcotts: please mr postman
fourcotts: piping hot
fourcotts: bright lines
fourcotts: when George said he'd paint the window this wasn't quite what Doris had in mind
fourcotts: angle
fourcotts: vanishing stripe
fourcotts: intricate
fourcotts: shape & texture
fourcotts: split wall
fourcotts: tryst
fourcotts: split
fourcotts: reflecting curve
fourcotts: lines
fourcotts: another slant
fourcotts: crooked steps
fourcotts: line shadows
fourcotts: drop
fourcotts: open and shut
fourcotts: shell & columns
fourcotts: a musical curve
fourcotts: bars
fourcotts: supporters
fourcotts: the hotel had a chequered past
fourcotts: golden castle
fourcotts: twisted
fourcotts: form and shadow
fourcotts: bracing
fourcotts: hanging over me