fourcotts: on reflection
fourcotts: sunset streak
fourcotts: unframed
fourcotts: what a waste!
fourcotts: take it all in your stride
fourcotts: from blue to green to blue
fourcotts: big frame
fourcotts: open frame
fourcotts: oh what a web we weave....
fourcotts: towering
fourcotts: communicating
fourcotts: diagstract
fourcotts: 8p left
fourcotts: chequers
fourcotts: cross reflections
fourcotts: going up
fourcotts: lizard on the wall
fourcotts: grate circle
fourcotts: steel 1/2
fourcotts: two sides to every storey
fourcotts: steel 2/2
fourcotts: angles
fourcotts: on your head be it
fourcotts: abstract public
fourcotts: blocks
fourcotts: green & blue
fourcotts: two sides to every storey
fourcotts: curving away