found_drama: 6 lb. PQM rye malt! (plus a few pounds of other stuff)
found_drama: 10.5 lb. of grain w/ 1.4 qt./lb. water...
found_drama: Honestatis Mk. VI mash
found_drama: mash gravity reading
found_drama: after squeezing more wort from the bag
found_drama: 10.5 lb. of wet spent grain
found_drama: Honestatis Mk. VI wort
found_drama: post-boil gravity reading
found_drama: hydrometer confirms: 1.066
found_drama: hydrometer confirms: 1.066
found_drama: hydrometer confirms: 1.066
found_drama: 2nd generation 1332
found_drama: About to pour some harvested 1332 into the fermentor...
found_drama: slow motion yeast pitch
found_drama: Maybe I "accidentally" brewed while otherwise also working from home...
found_drama: Krausen at +16
found_drama: +40 hours post-pitch
found_drama: 1.020 → 1.020 → 1.016
found_drama: Honestatis Mk. VI gravity reading
found_drama: Honestatis (Mk. VI)
found_drama: 1.020 → 1.019 → 1.015
found_drama: kegging day sample
found_drama: racking by siphon
found_drama: 8.6 (8.7) %Br
found_drama: kegging day sample
found_drama: Honestatis (Mk. VI) • Racked to keg today…
found_drama: 1 quart of 1332 slurry
found_drama: 2 × 1 pint jars of 1332 slurry
found_drama: Honestatis Mk. VI - first pour
found_drama: Honestatis Mk. VI - first pour