found_drama: Firing up about as big a starter as I can manage…
found_drama: Sirius Moonlight's starter
found_drama: My first crush. 3 lb. 14 oz. Goldpils Vienna + 2 lb. 4 oz. rye. Technically brew daY is tomorrow but I wanted to give myself some breathing room in case something went wrong with the mill etc. (And that was almost the case; had set the roller gap too sma
found_drama: My First Milling
found_drama: mash mash mash
found_drama: Sirius Moonlight mash
found_drama: Sirius Moonlight mash
found_drama: Sirius Moonlight, pre-boil
found_drama: Brew day! Mashing in at 148°F for "Sirius Moonlight" -- my Vienna mit Roggen. Here goes nothing… #homebrewing
found_drama: Tettnang + Perle
found_drama: Perle
found_drama: Sirius Moonlight, post-boil
found_drama: 1.055 → 1.057 → 1.053
found_drama: Sirius Moonlight (Vienna mit Roggen)
found_drama: Sirius Moonlight gettin' that krausen. #homebrewing
found_drama: gravity reading
found_drama: 1.015 (@57.4°F) with temperature adjustment… minus calibrated offset… 1.011. Nice. #homebrewing
found_drama: 1.013 ➡️ 1.009 (!?!?)
found_drama: 1.015 ➡️ 1.011
found_drama: Sirius Moonlight
found_drama: Sirius Moonlight (Vienna mit Roggen) racked after its diacetyl rest and ready to get crashed for lagering. #homebrewing
found_drama: Sirius Moonlight
found_drama: kegging Sirius Moonlight
found_drama: kegging Sirius Moonlight
found_drama: kegging Sirius Moonlight
found_drama: kegging Sirius Moonlight
found_drama: Kegged Sirius Moonlight, my "Vienna mit Roggen"
found_drama: Sirius Moonlight (first pour)
found_drama: Sirius Moonlight (first pour)
found_drama: last glass of Sirius Moonlight