found_drama: WLP566 Belgian Saison II by White Labs
found_drama: WLP566 Belgian Saison II by White Labs
found_drama: cooking up the starter for Let the Wookiee Win
found_drama: cooking up the starter for Let the Wookiee Win
found_drama: Let the Wookiee Win brew day
found_drama: Let the Wookiee Win brew day
found_drama: Let the Wookiee Win brew day
found_drama: Let the Wookiee Win brew day
found_drama: Let the Wookiee Win brew day
found_drama: Let the Wookiee Win brew day
found_drama: Let the Wookiee Win brew day
found_drama: Let the Wookiee Win brew day
found_drama: Let the Wookiee Win brew day
found_drama: Let the Wookiee Win brew day
found_drama: Let the Wookiee Win brew day
found_drama: Let the Wookiee Win brew day
found_drama: Brewed up "Let the Wookiee Win"
found_drama: Racking "Let the Wookiee Win"…
found_drama: using up my CO₂ like so much bad luck, I guess
found_drama: test pour of "Let the Wookiee Win" (black rye IPA dry-hopped with Cascade)
found_drama: regulator holding steady...
found_drama: Let the Wookiee Win (pour #2)
found_drama: Let the Wookiee Win — a black rye IPA by Tilde Gravitywerks (yours truly). Nose is citrusy from the Cascade dry-hopping. Chocolate and rye malts complement each other well. Finishes spicy and dry, with an assertive bitterness. Smooth body. #homebrewing
found_drama: Let the Wookiee Win
found_drama: Let the Wookiee Win
found_drama: Let the Wookiee Win
found_drama: Let the Wookiee Win