found_drama: Cooking up the 1500mL starter for the 1214 that's going into Vicious H-bomb this weekend. #homebrewing
found_drama: Thanks, PQM!
found_drama: mashing Vicious H-Bomb
found_drama: mashing Vicious H-Bomb
found_drama: mashing Vicious H-Bomb
found_drama: WORT!
found_drama: WORT!
found_drama: H. adding some Apollo hops...
found_drama: H-bomb dropping in the first ounce of Apollo for his namesake beer. #homebrewing
found_drama: H. adding some Apollo hops...
found_drama: H. adding some Apollo hops...
found_drama: 1.072
found_drama: 1.072
found_drama: 1214... GO!
found_drama: Vicious H-Bomb wort
found_drama: Brew Day for Vicious H-bomb, a Belgian IPA named after my older boy. PQM grains (malt local!), clear candi syrup, Apollo and Sterling hops, and a big dose of Wyeast 1214. O.G. 1.073 #homebrewing
found_drama: Vicious H-Bomb about 19 hours post-pitch. Steady stream of airlock bubbles (90+ per minute). #homebrewing
found_drama: Vicious H-Bomb krausen
found_drama: Vicious H-Bomb (racking)
found_drama: Vicious H-Bomb (racking)
found_drama: Vicious H-Bomb (racking)
found_drama: Vicious H-Bomb. A Belgian IPA. Racking to secondary tonight. Refractometer says 7.2%Br so… 1.010 (!?) w/ WRI -- likely in that ballpark, but we will see what hydrometer says when we go to bottle. Taste is right on w/r/t/ esters + hops notes. #homebrewing
found_drama: Vicious H-Bomb. Decided it could do with a little dry-hopping. +2 oz. U.S. Sterling. #homebrewing
found_drama: F.G. 1.012
found_drama: awaiting carbonation
found_drama: Vicious H-Bomb (bottling day)
found_drama: Vicious H-Bomb
found_drama: Vicious H-Bomb
found_drama: How I found out about the Second Place win...
found_drama: a handsome ale