found_drama: Just remember: don't take your glove off, and don't take your eyes off it for a second. #homebrewing
found_drama: I don't think any of my previous starters have krausened before… #homebrewing
found_drama: Acorn Pale's Grist
found_drama: mashing...
found_drama: Bowlful of Cascade hops. I could smell these all day long. #homebrewing
found_drama: mashing...
found_drama: starting the boil
found_drama: boiling Acorn Pale
found_drama: just added: 1 oz. Cascade
found_drama: pitched and... we wait
found_drama: May not have hit the gravity, but the wort tastes promising.
found_drama: Brew Day for Acorn Pale
found_drama: Pretty healthy layer of krausen at +26 hours. #homebrewing
found_drama: Acorn Pale: early krausen
found_drama: Holy krausen! +52 hours #homebrewing
found_drama: Acorn Pale: "Holy krausen!"
found_drama: dry-hopping Acorn Pale
found_drama: dry hops are in
found_drama: big ol' trub layer
found_drama: ready to bottle
found_drama: Acorn Pale
found_drama: finishing gravity: 1.011
found_drama: looks good...
found_drama: siphon siphon siphon
found_drama: sampling pre-carbonation
found_drama: Boo Beer bottling day
found_drama: very first Boo Beer
found_drama: Boo Beer (née Acorn Pale)
found_drama: Boo Beer