found_drama: Sorry Karl Mk. II
found_drama: Sorry Karl Mk. II
found_drama: Sorry Karl Mk. II
found_drama: Sorry Karl Mk. II
found_drama: Sorry Karl Mk. II
found_drama: Sorry Karl Mk. II
found_drama: Sorry Karl Mk. II
found_drama: Sorry Karl Mk. II - hydrometer reading
found_drama: Sorry Karl Mk. II - hydrometer reading
found_drama: Sorry Karl mk. II (Apocryphal Karl?) got brewed today. 1.051 O.G. and happy about it. #homebrewing
found_drama: Sorry Karl Mk. II - wort sample
found_drama: Sorry Karl (Mk. II)
found_drama: Racking Sorry Karl (Mk. II)
found_drama: time to condition Sorry Karl (Mk. II)
found_drama: Sorry Karl (Mk. II), having been racked...
found_drama: Sorry Karl
found_drama: Sorry Karl (Mk. II) finishing gravity: 1.012
found_drama: Siphoning Sorry Karl (Mk. II)
found_drama: Sorry Karl sample
found_drama: Sorry Karl Kölsch (Mk. II) - bottled
found_drama: First of the Sorry Karl Mk. II batch.
found_drama: Sorry Karl Mk. II
found_drama: Sorry Karl
found_drama: Sorry Karl Kölsch (aged 3 months)
found_drama: Enjoying a Sorry Karl on the screened in porch while the judges prepare to announce the winners at the #GNMHC -- I won't make it to the ceremony but I'll keep my fingers crossed just the same. #homebrew
found_drama: #PorchTimes #HalfFull #RDWHAHB #homebrew
found_drama: Sorry Karl (Mk. II) - aged one year