found_drama: Fridays are for brewers. #puffy #homebrewing
found_drama: Dat boil. #homebrewing
found_drama: Siphoning Little Ponder #homebrewing
found_drama: He may be 6, but he nails the fill line every time. #homebrewing
found_drama: Little Ponder's provisional final gravity. A little more science to do re: temperature etc. #homebrewing
found_drama: Little Ponder vs. Abbot Ale #homebrewing
found_drama: Little Ponder
found_drama: Siphoning Little Ponder
found_drama: Siphoning Little Ponder
found_drama: Little Ponder
found_drama: Little Ponder
found_drama: Little Ponder aged approx. 8 months #homebrewing #untappd
found_drama: Little Ponder