found_drama: scenes from a narrow gauge railroad
found_drama: Casco Bay
found_drama: scenes from a narrow gauge railroad
found_drama: scenes from a narrow gauge railroad
found_drama: coming around on the siding
found_drama: on the railroad
found_drama: #4 Engine
found_drama: munching on a fried pickle
found_drama: rainbow cake
found_drama: rainbow cake (construction underway)
found_drama: rainbow cake (unstable isotopes)
found_drama: cake tailings
found_drama: vain efforts to hold it together
found_drama: "...but it looks delicious."
found_drama: Oma & E.
found_drama: feeding Oma
found_drama: feeding Grandpa
found_drama: "But now you have **2** cakes!"
found_drama: doing science
found_drama: lighting the candles
found_drama: ♫ Happy Birthday to you... ♫
found_drama: blowing those candles out
found_drama: contemplating the presents
found_drama: Earned it.