found_drama: A. & E.
found_drama: H. on a plane
found_drama: Not a bad way to spend the delay.
found_drama: letting himself in
found_drama: discussing the finer points of lemon trees
found_drama: Boo: unimpressed with the beach
found_drama: H. can't decide if he is a vehicle
found_drama: running
found_drama: cartwheels
found_drama: drawing in the sand
found_drama: beach dream
found_drama: beach
found_drama: (Great) Grandma & Granddad
found_drama: NASA
found_drama: Blasting off!
found_drama: H. and the robot
found_drama: H. and the Lunar Rover
found_drama: H. and the Gemini
found_drama: Outer Space Man
found_drama: Littlest Winston Churchill
found_drama: budding photographer
found_drama: Boo on the KSC tour bus
found_drama: the world's tallest one story building
found_drama: the world's tallest one story building
found_drama: fly me to the moon
found_drama: lots of thrust
found_drama: Saturn V
found_drama: a sense of scale