found_drama: fireside
found_drama: the tree, pre-Santa
found_drama: zoom
found_drama: Santa came and went
found_drama: Santa came and went
found_drama: stocking: stuffed
found_drama: H., digging in
found_drama: H., digging in
found_drama: H., digging in
found_drama: To: Mom + Dad From: Holden
found_drama: H., as present-opening proxy for E.
found_drama: E.'s new favorite thing
found_drama: E.'s new favorite thing
found_drama: E.'s new favorite thing
found_drama: E.'s new favorite thing
found_drama: E.'s new favorite thing
found_drama: E.'s new favorite thing
found_drama: "What's in it?"
found_drama: H. loves outer space
found_drama: E. new musical cube
found_drama: H. loves outer space
found_drama: H. loves outer space
found_drama: science kit!
found_drama: science kit!
found_drama: science kit!
found_drama: science kit!
found_drama: science kit!
found_drama: we found VT on the globe
found_drama: probably his favorite thing from Xmas Day