found_drama: leaf
found_drama: closing in on the summit
found_drama: closing in on the summit
found_drama: fragile vegetation
found_drama: Camel's Hump
found_drama: self-portrait #9433
found_drama: not much of a view today
found_drama: not much of a view today
found_drama: not much of a view today
found_drama: not much of a view today
found_drama: Camel's Hump summit
found_drama: a slight break in the clouds
found_drama: a slight break in the clouds
found_drama: a slight break in the clouds
found_drama: a slight break in the clouds
found_drama: self-portrait #9443
found_drama: a last minute break in the clouds
found_drama: clouds moving around Camel's Hump
found_drama: wind and clouds on Camel's Hump