Fought The Law: Vultures are mean lookin birds.
Fought The Law: Mariposa
Fought The Law: Our young assistant and her Red Tailed Hawk
Fought The Law: The Hawk was freaking out so he got to wear a hat
Fought The Law: Mariposa and her human friend
Fought The Law: Mariposa chasing treats in the sky
Fought The Law: Mariposa and Amy
Fought The Law: NOM NOM NOM
Fought The Law: Mariposa is a Harris Hawk
Fought The Law: Tom Boy Club
Fought The Law: More Amy and Mariposa
Fought The Law: Two Badass Chicks
Fought The Law: Epic Blooper
Fought The Law: Owls apparently don't like having a vulture behind them
Fought The Law: Birthday boy with his tag hanging out
Fought The Law: You ever stare down a predatory bird?
Fought The Law: Barn Owl.....get it?
Fought The Law: Barn Owls will not be teased.
Fought The Law: Hanging out, thinking about eating mice and sexual congress with satan.
Fought The Law: Eurasian Eagle Owl
Fought The Law: This is a big ass Owl
Fought The Law: Dances with Owls
Fought The Law: Majestic as Fuck!
Fought The Law: Fuzzy Toes!
Fought The Law: Seriously, this is what will pull your eyes from your head if you die in the desert
Fought The Law: Dead Shark Eyes