The Bleach Red Girl: v i b r a t o r s @ Baba (Pescara)
The Bleach Red Girl: hobophobic@spazioserra
The Bleach Red Girl: Immagine 2369
The Bleach Red Girl: Ivano (keet'em murt)
The Bleach Red Girl: scattata per sbaglio
The Bleach Red Girl: The sixties @ rockhouse
The Bleach Red Girl: Therapy 14's (P.F.)
The Bleach Red Girl: Therapy 14's (P.F)
The Bleach Red Girl: Anti you @traffic
The Bleach Red Girl: Anti you @traffic
The Bleach Red Girl: The fourth sin @traffic
The Bleach Red Girl: Ex Mercato,Bologna
The Bleach Red Girl: Attrito @ rozz fest
The Bleach Red Girl: La Maledizione del Benessere @ rozz fest
The Bleach Red Girl: Vibratacore @ MdM