Polyrus: Loading a million boxes of bananas
Polyrus: Downtown Guayaquil
Polyrus: Banana chaos - Puerto Bolívar
Polyrus: Isla Uvita - 1km off Limon - Costa Rica
Polyrus: Government buildings at the affluent business end of Puerto Limon
Polyrus: Track from the Barrios (slums) - Puerto Limon
Polyrus: View over Puerto Limon's Barrios to the port
Polyrus: Virtual ghost town - outside Limon
Polyrus: Puerto Limon Sacred Heart Cathedral
Polyrus: Just a street corner
Polyrus: ...shame about the shadow
Polyrus: Rocky beach near Puerto Limon
Polyrus: ...another beach near Puerto Limon, Costa Rica
Polyrus: Ecuadorian river-boat family
Polyrus: Busy poncho salesman - Guayaquil
Polyrus: La Ceiba - Honduras
Polyrus: A wreck at Guayaquil (Bolivar) Ecuador
Polyrus: 'Bridge of the Americas' opened 1962
Polyrus: Colón City station - Panama 1976
Polyrus: Starboard-side shore at Cristóbal entrance to Panama canal