V+I+K+A: 10months
V+I+K+A: 10 months
V+I+K+A: IMG_9921
V+I+K+A: IMG_9912
V+I+K+A: 10 months
V+I+K+A: IMG_9903
V+I+K+A: Nat & her car
V+I+K+A: 10months
V+I+K+A: 10 months
V+I+K+A: 10months
V+I+K+A: Emily, Nat, & Cooper
V+I+K+A: Go Bears!
V+I+K+A: Quick trip to the park before dinner
V+I+K+A: Hat season!
V+I+K+A: These shoes are made for walkin' and that's just what she does...
V+I+K+A: 10m4w