fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Hoop pine - Araucaria unninghamii - Araucariaceae - 55 years old - Donated by Wu Yee Sun of Hong Kong C20100112 397
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Chinese elm - Ulmus parvifolia - Ulmaceae - 35 years old - Donated by Wu Yee-Sun of Hong Kong C20100112 404
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Holly olive - Osmanthus heterophyllus - Oleaceae - 15 years old - created at the gardens C20100112 408
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Grewia - Crossberry - Grewia occidentalis - Tiliaceae - 15 years old - created at the gardens C20100112 413
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Japanese cedar - Cryptomeria japonica - Taxodiaceae - 35 years old - Donated by Wu Yee Sun of Hong Kong C20100112 417
fotoproze: Bonzai & Penjing - Bougainvillea - Bougainvillea 'Pink Pixie' - Nyctaginaceae - 30 years old - created at the gardens C20100112 420
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Chinese elm - Ulmus parvifolia - Ulmaceae - 55 years old - Donated by Wu Yee-Sun of Hong Kong C20100112 425
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Wayleaf privet - Ligustrum quihoui - Oleaceae - 20 years old - created at the gardens C20100112 429
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Winter Jasmine - Jasminum nudiflorum - Oleaceae - 35 years old - donated by the Government of China C20100112 433
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Chinese cedar - Cryptomeria japonica v sinensis - Taxodiaceae - 60 years old - donated by the Government of China C20100112 440
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Chinese elm - Ulmus parvifolia - Ulmaceae - 55 years old - Donated by Wu Yee-Sun of Hong Kong C20100112 446
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Snow rose - Serissa japonica - Rubiaceae - 25 years old - created by Quinquan Zhao - donated by Socièté de bonzai et de penjing de Montréal C20100112 451
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Bougainvillea - Bougainvillea glabra - Nyctaginaceae - 80 years old - donated by Lui Shu Ying of Hong Kong C20100112 454
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Snow rose - Serissa japonica - Rubiaceae - 50 years old - donated by Wu Yee-Sun of Hong Kong C20100112 458
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Wintercreeper euonymus - Euonymus fortunei - Celastraceae - 40 years old - donated by the Government of China C20100112 463
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Wintercreeper euonymus - Euonymus fortunei - Celastraceae - 40 years old - donated by the Government of China C20100112 464
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Thorny elaeagnus - Elaeagnus pungens - Elaeagnaceae - 55 years old - Donated by Government of China C20100130 270
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Winter jasmine - Jasminum nudiflorum - Oleaceae - 30 years old - Donated by Government of China C20100130 275
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Winter jasmine - Jasminum nudiflorum - Oleaceae - 35 years old - Donated by Government of China C20100130 278
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Hoop pine - Araucaria cunninghamii - Araucariaceae - 55 years old - donated by Wu Yee Sun of Hong Kong C20100213 233
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Chinese elm - Ulmus parvifolia - Ulmaceae - 35 years old - donated by Wu Yee Sun of Hong Kong C20100213 237
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Chinese sweetplum - Sageretia thea - Rhamnaceae - 70 years old - Donated by Jardin botanique de Shanghai China C20100213 240
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Chinese sweetplum - Sageretia thea - Rhamnaceae - 85 years old - Donated by Wu Yee Sun of Hong Kong C20100213 244
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Thorny elaeagnus - Elaeagnus pungens - Elaeagnaceae - 55 years old - Donated by Government of China C20100213 247
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Japanese cedar - Cryptomeria japonica - Taxodiaceae - 35 years old - Donated by Wu Yee Sun of Hong Kong C20100213 252
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Chinese elm - Ulmus parvifolia - Ulmaceae - 45 years old - donated by Wu Yee Sun of Hong Kong C20100213 256
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Bougainvillea 'Pink Pixie' - Nyctaginaceae - 30 years old - Created at the Jardin botanique de Montréal C20100213 260
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Chinese cedar - Cryptomeria japonica v sinensis - Taxodiaceae - 60 years old - Donated by Government of China C20100213 270
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Snow rose - Serissa Japonica - Rubiaceae - 25 years old - Created by Quinquan Zhao - Donated by Société de bonsaï et de penjing de Montréal C20100213 274
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Bougainvillea glabra - Nyctaginaceae - 80 years old - Donated by Lui Shu Ying of Hong Kong C20100213 279