fotoproze: Arena Ronald-Caron - Ste-Croix - St-Laurent C20080523 008
fotoproze: Essence Zen 2007 Ikebana Exhibition - Diane LUSSIER - OHARA C20070429 003
fotoproze: Beauty's Restaurant - Mont-Royal & St-Urbain - Mile End C20080212 071
fotoproze: l’Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur de Montréal - Gouin near Fréchette - Cartierville SL20090216 001
fotoproze: Hillside & des Erables - Ville St-Pierre/Montréal-West C20080206 003
fotoproze: Bonsaï & Penjing - Hinoki false cyprus 'Gracili's Aurea' 35 years old LSG20070828 025
fotoproze: Serissa - Serissa foetida - Rubiaceae - 20 years old C20080902 073
fotoproze: Québec City - Monument to Louis Hébert Marie Rollet & Guillaume Couillard 1918 - by Alfred Laliberté - Bronze & granite - parc Montmorency - Côte de la Montagne & Port Dauphin C20090718 222
fotoproze: Ikebana International - Louiselle Garon - KORYU SHOTOKAI C20080412 008
fotoproze: Homes - Abandoned House - Pine Beach and Lakeshore Road - Dorval mC20100413 001
fotoproze: Graffiti - Smith & Ann - Griffintown LS20090209 001