Mr.Grij. 2.4 millions of views. Thanks: Gotas de lluvia en movimiento. / Raindrops in movement.
Mr.Grij. 2.4 millions of views. Thanks: Symphony on the Ponte Vecchio. Firenze (Italy)
Mr.Grij. 2.4 millions of views. Thanks: Agua termal. / Thermal baths.
Mr.Grij. 2.4 millions of views. Thanks: Concentración / Concentration
Mr.Grij. 2.4 millions of views. Thanks: Luces en movimiento. / Lights in movement.
Mr.Grij. 2.4 millions of views. Thanks: Lluvia otoñal. /Autumn rain.
Mr.Grij. 2.4 millions of views. Thanks: Torrente de perlas. / Torrent of pearls.
Mr.Grij. 2.4 millions of views. Thanks: Gotas de lluvia. / Raindrops.
Mr.Grij. 2.4 millions of views. Thanks: Bailando bajo la lluvia / Dancing under the rain
Mr.Grij. 2.4 millions of views. Thanks: The other side of Venice. (Italy)
Mr.Grij. 2.4 millions of views. Thanks: Iniciando el vuelo./ Starting the flight.
Mr.Grij. 2.4 millions of views. Thanks: Arriba y abajo / Up and down