fotomattic: Fountains of Wave
fotomattic: Fences and feathers
fotomattic: The Point and points beyond
fotomattic: Day 142 - Noticing the days hurrying by
fotomattic: Valois Cafeteria
fotomattic: Bike the Drive: A family affair
fotomattic: Day 146 - The children are watching
fotomattic: Day 161 - Chicago misses you
fotomattic: Softball at sunset
fotomattic: Day 159 - Prelapsarian glass
fotomattic: Nice view
fotomattic: Kite party by the lake
fotomattic: Turkish ice cream vendor
fotomattic: Day 134 - This too shall pass
fotomattic: Day 182 - Thunderstorm over the Canal Street Railroad bridge
fotomattic: Day 179 - Shadowboxes
fotomattic: Day 237 - Taste the rainbow