fotomattic: Day 128 - Hello, yellow.
fotomattic: Day 133 - Looking back
fotomattic: Trying to stay dry
fotomattic: Day 141 - One of those days
fotomattic: BTD - Stars of Spring
fotomattic: Day 157 - Little fluffy clouds
fotomattic: BTD - Not too early for sequins
fotomattic: Dragon detail on the Ping Tom Park Pagoda
fotomattic: Grey day at the Point
fotomattic: Ominous art-drenching clouds
fotomattic: More clouds rolling in
fotomattic: Blues shoes
fotomattic: Water Tower Face
fotomattic: Game on!
fotomattic: The space between
fotomattic: Office with a view
fotomattic: Snowy, snowy knight
fotomattic: Present and future ice
fotomattic: The waiting is the hardest part