fotogirl MK: cheer-y
fotogirl MK: deYoung
fotogirl MK: deYoung 2
fotogirl MK: resisting
fotogirl MK: decisions...
fotogirl MK: medusa like, red
fotogirl MK: starring
fotogirl MK: ...ascending and descending daily, while you wax poetic...
fotogirl MK: perfect
fotogirl MK: my... i like you beyond logic...
fotogirl MK: tangled
fotogirl MK: bridge
fotogirl MK: brushed
fotogirl MK: a lazy ocean hugs the shore
fotogirl MK: coloring
fotogirl MK: holding up golden gate bridge
fotogirl MK: de Young, artificial rock
fotogirl MK: heat on metal
fotogirl MK: shhhh...ine
fotogirl MK: i wish i could capture your laugh