elliemcc11: #walk at Aira Force #nationaltrust before heading a bit further south and home
elliemcc11: #easter #bonnet modelling
elliemcc11: #easter #bonnet made from #recycled materials & stickers #decoratedby4yrold
elliemcc11: #smashedpotatoes I hope these are as yummy as they sound #pinterest #garlic #herbs #butter #newpotatoes
elliemcc11: I've made a pretty looking #cake from a #pinterest recipe. Just hope it tastes nice! #rhubarb #almond
elliemcc11: Me & mum push the pram along the seafront quite often - 7 mile walk (as we detour into town to Costa 😂)
elliemcc11: Sunday - late afternoon I had another walk out. Short this time and with the family
elliemcc11: Sunday - trying to get back into some exercise #walking 5km fast pace
elliemcc11: Whoop! We've managed to grow a tomato 🍅☺
elliemcc11: I know my ABCs #diytiger
elliemcc11: Lots of tears because she only goes to school this afternoon - distraction needed! #diytiger #playdoh
elliemcc11: She starts school today! First few months of her life were tough and we still have a few challenges (speech & deafness) but she's happy & thriving 😊😙
elliemcc11: Really pleased with the sunflowers we have grown. They are taller than my husband who is 6ft 3. We've realised they are thirsty plants and probably we will grow them in the ground, rather than pots, next time 🌻🌻🌻 #flowers
elliemcc11: #fitbit challenge- irony is I've done this walk before, twice. Visited Yosemite national park with my parents and years later with my husband on honeymoon.
elliemcc11: Mum & my daughter dancing to the Tudor music #nationaltrust
elliemcc11: Probably our last day out before school starts next week #nationaltrust
elliemcc11: #nationaltrust
elliemcc11: Family 😘 #nationaltrust
elliemcc11: Reflection Lake - the one Mr Darcy came out of on the BBC adaptation (one of the room guides told me it's only a couple of feet deep so they have to spray Colin Firth with a hose to get the "wet" effect 😂) #nationaltrust
elliemcc11: Measuring #nationaltrust
elliemcc11: My little #bookworm #nationaltrust
elliemcc11: Charlie & Lola exhibition #nationaltrust
elliemcc11: #nationaltrust fountain
elliemcc11: Games at #nationaltrust
elliemcc11: #nationaltrust
elliemcc11: #nationaltrust #wallpaper
elliemcc11: #nationaltrust
elliemcc11: I love little touches like this #nationaltrust #book
elliemcc11: My son couldn't have been happier 😊 #trains #nationaltrust
elliemcc11: Dining room #nationaltrust