elliemcc11: #canal dewater works
elliemcc11: I survived! #run #jog #walk
elliemcc11: Now this one...
elliemcc11: Ran up this incline - I'm impressed with me ☺
elliemcc11: #canal dewatered!
elliemcc11: Canal side...
elliemcc11: On a bit of a #run #jog #walk - first time running for abt 25 years!
elliemcc11: My 1/2km marker point. Managed to #walk in 5 mins #run it in...? We will see #c25k #runmummyrun
elliemcc11: My feet getting active #walking
elliemcc11: Raindrops on branches #c25k #running #runmummyrun
elliemcc11: A #bridge on my #run #cooldown #c25k #runmummyrun