elliemcc11: 39:365 Resting after a long journey
elliemcc11: 40:365 Tube travel, noisy library and computer crashes = annoying day.
elliemcc11: 41:365 Alternative computing
elliemcc11: 42:365 New(ish) computer set up and working - hurrah!
elliemcc11: 43:365 Little light reading
elliemcc11: 44:365 Happy Birthday to Me!
elliemcc11: 45:365 Leftover Birthday cake - yum!
elliemcc11: 46:365 Oh my roots need doing...
elliemcc11: 47:365 I got my roots done
elliemcc11: 48:365 "When you write down your ideas you automatically focus your full attention on them. Few if any of us can write one thought and think another at the same time. Thus a pencil and paper make excellent concentration tools" Micheal Lebeouf
elliemcc11: 49:365 Jag går på semester...Jag är verkligen glad
elliemcc11: 50:365 S.W.A.L.K.
elliemcc11: 51:365 Last minute shopping
elliemcc11: 52:365 Happy Valentine's Day from Pellie!
elliemcc11: 53:365 Welcome to Stockholm...and Welcome to Sweden!
elliemcc11: 54:365 Double reflection of me... oh and some nudey bloke!
elliemcc11: 55:365 Meet the future Mr & Mrs Maccas*
elliemcc11: 56:365 Inside Kiruna Church, Sweden
elliemcc11: 57:365 It's cold outside...
elliemcc11: 58:365 Engagement Ring, Bling and Band
elliemcc11: 59:365 Last photo in Sweden...the end of a memorable trip!
elliemcc11: 60:355 No, I've no idea either...
elliemcc11: 61:365 The dilemas of a Bride-to-be
elliemcc11: 62:365 All work and no play
elliemcc11: 63:365 A trip o'er t'other side of t'Pennines
elliemcc11: 64:365 Another day, another train ride
elliemcc11: 65:365 Sparkley things
elliemcc11: 66:365 Another day, another train ride (pt.2)
elliemcc11: 365 Days: February 2010