fotofreddie1: IMG_0107 New Foundland PA after Nap
fotofreddie1: IMG_0129 Dirty Hank2 in Hubbard OH
fotofreddie1: IMG_0128 Dirty Hank2 in Hubbard OH
fotofreddie1: IMG_0125 Ohio Stateline
fotofreddie1: IMG_0121 On I-80
fotofreddie1: IMG_0117 On I-80
fotofreddie1: IMG_0116 On I-80
fotofreddie1: IMG_0113 New Foundland PA after Nap- Lights cleaned
fotofreddie1: IMG_0112 New Foundland PA after Nap
fotofreddie1: IMG_0111 New Foundland PA after Nap
fotofreddie1: IMG_0110 New Foundland PA after Nap
fotofreddie1: IMG_0109 New Foundland PA after Nap
fotofreddie1: IMG_0108 New Foundland PA after Nap
fotofreddie1: IMG_0105 In New FoundlAND p aFTER nAP
fotofreddie1: IMG_0104 In New Founand PA After Nap
fotofreddie1: IMG_0131 MyFriend Sidney
fotofreddie1: IMG_0132 London OH End of the day