JoanneHamblin: standing on top of his world
JoanneHamblin: so near, so far
JoanneHamblin: look to the heavens
JoanneHamblin: sunrise and sunset
JoanneHamblin: dragonhead and the queen bee
JoanneHamblin: sunshine on your shoulders
JoanneHamblin: open sesame
JoanneHamblin: sunflower
JoanneHamblin: flutter
JoanneHamblin: mornings in the kitchen
JoanneHamblin: the touch of a butterfly
JoanneHamblin: flutter
JoanneHamblin: and just fly...
JoanneHamblin: purple haze
JoanneHamblin: welcome to the world
JoanneHamblin: today...there's a glimmer of sunshine
JoanneHamblin: today....the light shines on what's special
JoanneHamblin: chin up
JoanneHamblin: pure and simple
JoanneHamblin: unfocus crocus
JoanneHamblin: just what I needed
JoanneHamblin: fingers crossed
JoanneHamblin: rosy cheeks
JoanneHamblin: eye popping
JoanneHamblin: the flower and the bee