fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: Blackhwawks player by Goons
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: Artwork at the Martha Cooper event in Chicago
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: Photographs by Martha Cooper
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: Leaving Chicago
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: Martha and her Chicago hosts
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: Sprucin' up the ol' abandoned Pizza Hut
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: Pete will fight you
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: At the Martha Cooper event
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: Erin announcing it's almost closing time
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: Straight talk from Martha Cooper
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: At the Martha Cooper book signing & sticker show
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: At the Martha Cooper book signing
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: 25th anniversary edition of Subway Art
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: End of the line for the Martha Cooper book signing
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: At the Martha Cooper signing
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: Basking in the Martha Cooper glow
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: Martha will sign your paddles
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: "Tag Town" by Martha Cooper
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: Best jacket seen at the Martha Cooper event
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: At the sticker show during the Martha Cooper book signing
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: At the Martha Cooper book signing
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: At the Martha Cooper signing
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: Checking out the Making Deals show
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: Checking out the Making Deals show