Fotofigg: My high activity dog
Fotofigg: Is it Kwismass yet?
Fotofigg: Ruby with hoof remnant
Fotofigg: Merry Christmas to you!!
Fotofigg: I's bored
Fotofigg: I wonder what she's thinking...
Fotofigg: Her best angle
Fotofigg: My sweet Ruby
Fotofigg: Ruby lounging
Fotofigg: Miss Ruby, up close and personal
Fotofigg: Ruby and the pink bone
Fotofigg: Ruby and the pink bone 2
Fotofigg: Ruby in action
Fotofigg: Contemplating action
Fotofigg: Ruby mid-yawn
Fotofigg: Ruby wants to go out
Fotofigg: My pal
Fotofigg: Ruby gets in the picture
Fotofigg: Ruby sitting patiently for treats
Fotofigg: Ruby sparkles for the camera
Fotofigg: A quizzical expression
Fotofigg: Profile of a beauty
Fotofigg: Ruby sticks her tongue out at the camera
Fotofigg: Ruby with ball
Fotofigg: Ruby and I watch the Olympics
Fotofigg: Hey -- I was sleeping!
Fotofigg: No interest in modelling today
Fotofigg: Sweety paw
Fotofigg: Honest, Ruby -- it IS a dog!
Fotofigg: Ruby/Spike standoff