Fotofigg: Moi - day 1 - 365 days
Fotofigg: Moi day 2 365 Days
Fotofigg: Day 3 self-portrait
Fotofigg: Day 4 365 Days
Fotofigg: Help! My dog is trying to eat me!!! (Day 5 - 365 Days)
Fotofigg: Day 6 - 365 Days
Fotofigg: Day 7 - 365 Days
Fotofigg: Day 8 - 365 Days
Fotofigg: Happy about feeling better Day 9/365
Fotofigg: Day 10/365 Days
Fotofigg: Day 11/365 Days
Fotofigg: Happy Birthday to Me!! Day 12/365
Fotofigg: Birthday present! Day 13/365
Fotofigg: Day 14/365 Days
Fotofigg: Contentment -- Day 15/365
Fotofigg: Day 16/365 The Big Yawn
Fotofigg: Me and my girls Day 17/365
Fotofigg: My taking the dog out getup - Day 18/365
Fotofigg: Mortality Sucks Day 19/365
Fotofigg: Me and the pup - Day 20/365
Fotofigg: Who's that knocking at my door? Day 21/365
Fotofigg: Look Ma -- no hands!!! Day 22/365
Fotofigg: There's something in my eye! Day 23/365
Fotofigg: Me in the Crescendo mirror -- Day 24/365
Fotofigg: The end of a long evening Day 25/365
Fotofigg: After the workout -- Day 26/365
Fotofigg: Happy eye Day 27/365
Fotofigg: Plus ca change... Day 28/365
Fotofigg: I got a Nikon camera, I love to take a photograph... Day 29/365
Fotofigg: Before and after -- Day 30/365