Fotofigg: Reclining log with flowers
Fotofigg: Under the willow tree
Fotofigg: The winding path
Fotofigg: Willow tree
Fotofigg: The road ahead
Fotofigg: My gardening skills
Fotofigg: Hope springs eternal
Fotofigg: Buddha, tree and chairs
Fotofigg: Glass balls in tree
Fotofigg: The view from my desk at work
Fotofigg: Light from the west
Fotofigg: Tree study
Fotofigg: Skyline at dusk
Fotofigg: The joys of having a female dog
Fotofigg: Still life with rock
Fotofigg: I am a rock...
Fotofigg: I am a rock...revisited
Fotofigg: NOT a good day for a marathon!
Fotofigg: And the rain it raineth every day...
Fotofigg: Waiting for the drivethrough
Fotofigg: In the rear view mirror at the drivethrough
Fotofigg: There are fairies at the bottom of my garden...
Fotofigg: Living in a Garry Oak meadow
Fotofigg: The view from my office
Fotofigg: Purple Haze
Fotofigg: Winter trees
Fotofigg: I'll catch the next one
Fotofigg: Going down...
Fotofigg: St. Clair Avenue, Toronto
Fotofigg: Bird on a Pole