Bernadette Miranda Aguilar: Happy New Year! Here's to 2013!
Bernadette Miranda Aguilar: Navy Pier fireworks for NYE 2012.
Bernadette Miranda Aguilar: Navy Pier fireworks for NYE 2012.
Bernadette Miranda Aguilar: Chef Xavier Luke whipping up an entree consisting of faux romaine, cabbage and carrots. A la IKEA style.
Bernadette Miranda Aguilar: Original photo by Jerry Santos. XL looks like a raver here Haha He has officially mastered the phrase "NO." Let's hope this is just a toddler phase and not a lifetime issue ^_^
Bernadette Miranda Aguilar: Bubble beard maker.
Bernadette Miranda Aguilar: The most awesome Christmas card I've ever received in the mail. Got it today. From my loves with a Thomas (the tank engine) sticker and personal drawing by XL. ^_^
Bernadette Miranda Aguilar: OMG Reorganizing the master bedroom closet and guess what I came wedding gown! I tried it on and was able to zip it up! No doubt though, it was snug in the chest and belly areas. But HECK, I was able to zip it all the way up! Heehee
Bernadette Miranda Aguilar: HI, new Flickr app test via iPhone
Bernadette Miranda Aguilar: 26th April, 2012 sunset
Bernadette Miranda Aguilar: Happy belated birthday Patty!!!!
Bernadette Miranda Aguilar: Gradient Bubbles
Bernadette Miranda Aguilar: Self Explanatory