fotofacade: CIS building, Miller Street by G. S. Hay and Gordon Tait 1959-62 Manchester UK
fotofacade: Saint Mark's Chadderton, Lancashire UK
fotofacade: Crucifix
fotofacade: Saint Martin Le Grand York
fotofacade: Town Hall extension by Vincent Harris, Manchester UK
fotofacade: Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral
fotofacade: Concrete Shipon
fotofacade: Roof detail Manchester UK
fotofacade: CIS building, Manchester UK
fotofacade: Hexagon Tower
fotofacade: Altar Chair by George Pace
fotofacade: Saint Mark's Chadderton by George Pace
fotofacade: Villa La Roche-Jeanneret by Le Corbusier
fotofacade: Villa La Roche - Jeanneret
fotofacade: Grand Confort Model No. LC2 1928
fotofacade: Basculant Model No. B301,c 1928
fotofacade: Grand Confort Model No. LC3 1928
fotofacade: Civil Justice Centre from King Street West Manchester
fotofacade: Sunlight House, Quay Street Manchester UK
fotofacade: Chapel, William Temple Memorial Church
fotofacade: Light Detail
fotofacade: Aumbry rail detail
fotofacade: Altar Candle Holder
fotofacade: Altar Cross
fotofacade: Aumbry
fotofacade: Pace Fenestration
fotofacade: Leaving the Chapel behind
fotofacade: Light Switches
fotofacade: God is in the detail
fotofacade: E Vincent Harris at work